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Aug 12, 2022
In DOLOS Discussions
I'm hoping to spark some activity and collaboration on the forums again, and maybe get some info in the open for newcomers as well, as it has been a long time since Dolos did a Q&A session. I really want to focus on the end since the Cipher begins at the end. Here are my questions, @DOLOS if you feel up to responding to these, please do so! We're all eager for new information. 1. Is the end obvious? 2. Is the end in english, spanish, or greek? 3. Is the end literal or figurative? 4. Is it possible to understand the end with just the ring poem? 5. Is it still just as probable that we could understand the end if we remove the red hint in the ring poem? 6. Is it still just as/or almost as probable that we could understand the end without the ring poem? 7. What tips would you give to the average Dolosian to find the end?
Apr 01, 2022
In DOLOS Discussions
As the title asks, I'm curious where you all believe you're getting stuck. I personally find that right away I'm stuck, never finding the end or never knowing that I'm looking at it. I'll often push forward anyways and try to piece things together, but then I never come up with anything concrete even if I spend tons of time. This is such a struggle and I'm beyond frustrated that I still feel like I have nothing.
Feb 02, 2022
In DOLOS Discussions
😨 Just having fun with someone getting into the theme of things lol! Side note has anyone made any progress? I'm starting to think not everything is as it seems but rather the inference of what something may be could be just as important as the word itself. Random example: "Sun" = "Son" "Iris Cuatro" = "I risk at Rhodes" (Ro-hades?) Just some thoughts!
Nov 15, 2021
In DOLOS Discussions
Without getting into details of a potential solve, or solution to the keys; or what the red text in the ring poem may be. I'm curious your thoughts on this first phrase. "Look at the end and then forget why;" How do you interpret this line? I'll start off with the most basic interpretation that has floated around my brain. Look (point your attention towards) the end (the end result you're looking for, a starting city?) and then forget (remove from memory, clear your mind, set aside) why; (why you're looking for a starting city; or potentially why the city is where it is on the keys) I'd really like to brainstorm ideas on this phrase, because lets be honest; we don't use the Ring Poem enough.
Jun 17, 2021
In DOLOS Discussions
Reply here, I know for certain I've been really REALLY close to solving this, if we combine our ideas and collaborate just a little bit, we'll be on to the poem in no time. For real, just take a leap and lets get this solved; I'm pretty sure I have most the method, I'm just missing SOMETHING, one thing, maybe two tops.
Apr 29, 2021
In DOLOS Discussions
I really hope some of the less active members on the forums respond to this one! Hey everyone, just wanting to air out a few ideas I've had when trying to interpret the 'hidden clue' (FORGET AND THEN KISS IT) and the final sentence. As well as the 'End' and the 'Beginning' First I'll start off with my interpretation of "FORGET AND THEN KISS IT" My thought process is a simple tip when reading the ring poem, telling us to break it down into smaller more digestible chunks. Forget 'AND' then KISS it (apply KISS principle to it) "Most of the time, people write a long sentence with the word "and" in it. Usually the "and" can be eliminated and the writer can make a long sentence into two shorter sentences. In fact, "and" can be eliminated from the sentence above and made into two shorter sentences. Shorter sentences are more powerful than longer sentences. Preachers usually make the mistake of using sentences that are way too long. When they get to the end of the long sentences, people would have forgotten what they heard at the beginning." By forgetting 'and' it helps us separate his instructions, piecing it into smaller sentences. 1. Look at the end 2. Forget why; the answer is yenned 3. Many will fail 4. Retry, Once you have the answer look on to the next Just a thought on how that hint with the red letters help us with the ring poem, and not the keys, it's for aiding us in understanding in my opinion. Second is 'I'll get through your myelin sheath or make you drink from the river of lethe' I believe this to be purely an assertation, less of an instruction. "When myelin becomes damaged, messages find it harder to get through – or can’t get through at all." At this point he's telling you to follow his instructions, the ones previously. If the message didn't get through, which he's trying to get through to you, he'll make you drink from the river Lethe. He'll make you forget and start over, hence why I believe there's a gap with no punctuation. It's a blank, forgotten, and then you start again. You go around in the circle, needing to follow those instructions carefully, closely, and properly. which ties into my last idea, The END and the BEGINNING "The cipher begins at the end" At the end of the ring poem, you're drinking Lethe, you're forgetting. It's a play on the keys, and the ring poem itself. "Look at the end and then forget why". Well if you look at the end of the ring poem, you're drinking Lethe. Once you've drank Lethe, you'll forget why. On the keys, you look at the end. Naturally we read left to right, top to bottom. So I look at the very end, which would be the W key, all the way on the tooth. Lethe is there, and if we look at the end, we drink Lethe, we forget why. We're at the river of Lethe, at the end of the key. I believe this is 'the end' and this is also where we begin to decipher the keys. Here's my supporting evidence. Dolos says 'The cipher begins at the end' and I see this to be true in its double meaning. 'The cipher' is the image as a whole, and we're to start at the ring poem to tell us how to decipher the keys. The end of the ring poem, is where it starts, both the 'ends' of this ring are touching, so he's telling it clearly there. The very same end is that on the keys, which is what we generally look at for where to start 'deciphering' since that's where the ciphered message is. Where we begin, is the end, Lethe. So his answer to the question of where to begin, is also true with the double meaning. Dolos had also mentioned that 'The end' can be found on both the keys and the ring poem; where is this true? Well I believe it to be the fact that LETHE is both in the ring poem and on the keys, and both are situated at the end. Finally on the symbolism side of it all, "souls were made to drink from the river before being reincarnated, so they would not remember their past lives." in order for them to begin a new, they must end the past by drinking Lethe, they are made to do so. So in it all, I've taken the approach of assuming we're dead, we've just drank Lethe, and now our journey begins on 'LETHE' it is the end, and is our new beginning. These are all just opinions, I'd love to hear what you all think of them, and what ideas you may have. So please share below! I'd also love to see the opinions of some of our silent lurkers on the forums, it'd mean a lot to have your input.
Apr 09, 2021
In DOLOS Discussions
Why do you think this is, I expect an uptick for obvious reasons with the mini puzzles, but are the majority of players going at the main cipher staying silent and playing their hand close to their chest? Or do you think many have simply given up until someone else makes progress for them? I'm really unsure about both, but I do wish we had more opinions, voices, and trains of thoughts speaking up about the cipher, people have been stuck for so long it feels like a hive approach may be our best bet. Although I feel confident I'm making progress recently, it still feels sort of empty without the same buzz as the mini puzzles. Could just be me whining though.
Mar 25, 2021
In DOLOS Discussions
I've been thinking a lot recently about simplicity, and how people have Complexity Bias "Complexity bias is our tendency to look at something that is easy to understand, or look at it when we are in a state of confusion, and view it as having many parts that are difficult to understand. We often find it easier to face a complex problem than a simple one." This really came out to shine when I presented a puzzle I've been working on creating to my discord for testing, and even though in my mind it was difficult but each instruction was given on how to do each step; immediately everyone started thinking up all these complex methods that I had absolutely not thought of. Of course this bogged them down in muddy waters and literally no one made any progress. To add, the recent mini puzzle was like a workshop in simplicity. The answers were all so extremely simple yet it still took us all a day (at the minimum) as we complicated things. It brought me back to thinking that we're overcomplicating this cipher to an extreme amount, and I have to ask now, what do you think is the most simple way we can look at this? We're being told to look at the end... I mean, the simple ends I could think of are W-H-L, and the teeth of the keys. We're never told what W H L means, but we've all managed to make the connection to 'Wealth, Health, Love' however, what if we weren't smart enough to make that connection? Would Dolos throw us a bone in the instructions? I think they would, otherwise they wouldn't be very good instructions. I still haven't figured out "Why". My thoughts are that it could simply be the definition of why "2: a baffling problem : ENIGMA" possibly to forget trying to figure out what the W-H-L means, because he's given it to us, "The answer is yenned" or as I see it, the answer is desires. This is sort of where I'm stuck in my thinking "Many will fail and then retry," my most recent thought was to take the desire that many would fail, but keep retrying. That in my mind would be love, because you can't fail health and retry; it also doesn't sound right to fail wealth and retry. Failing at love on the other hand, very much something many do, and very much something people continue to retry. I guess I'm stuck stuck here because I don't even have a clue of 'Once you have the answer look on to the next'. But I do feel looking at the love key exclusively (at least for now) is beneficial for me. Especially with the hints below the cipher, of the heart key in the heart lock, and the astronaut forgetting his keys. These are just my recent thoughts, do you lot have any ideas that could be considered 'simple' ? Not shifting a ton of things around, not twisting meanings very much, not adding in new layers that aren't even there. Also, what do you think a simple way to play a game with these numbers would be? Look forward to hearing your input.
Feb 11, 2021
In DOLOS Discussions
I posed this question to Dolos, trying to find some clarity on literally anything. "Remember how in Fenn's book he had 'suggested readings' as like, a way you could study his thought process, study how he presented ideas and understood his influences... is there any suggested readings/things I should learn that you could give us as a whole? Possibly some numbers games that relate, or at least stimulate the brain to think of the numbers in a different way, or a word game to help get the brain thinking either more inside, or outside the box? Possibly some imagination excercises? If you share anything, I'll make a forum post so it's available for all to see." He responded with an answer that I'm sure could help each and every one of us, but once again it comes down to finding the interpretations. "Sure. Let me ponder on that for a bit and I'll get back to you. I've already done this at least four times in the past. If anyone noticed, I do not know." "I will say this though. I don't know of any puzzle/cipher that works like my cipher. It might be a one of a kind? Or at least a two of a kind? 🙃 I recently dropped off a pretty big hint. I don't think anyone caught it though. Lol. Those are the best, you know? The "If it was a snake it would've bit you" moments." I believe this to mean his previous posts "Forget your favourite color" "What am I? Where am I?" "Uno, Dos, Tres. Everything has its place." and the most recent "Riddles, ciphers, and more." All misdirect us into trying to solve exactly what he's saying in that moment, yet are in themselves, hints on how we should be thinking and what we are doing to approach the cipher. I haven't really worked out any new ways of approaching this, but I feel this information may be of help to you. I also asked him about his 'anomalies' like the 'Trickory' on his profile instead of 'Trickery', how his SOS in the "What am I?" post was sloppy morse, and never actually managed a solid 'SOS'... how the 'gry' riddle seemed to be different from the traditional, and that it seems like there's no real answer; and he responded with the words that will burn in my mind. "Question everything." Hope to hear what you all think of this, respond with your thoughts please, and lets inch closer to the correct method!
Dec 15, 2020
In DOLOS Discussions
I've had a few interactions with Dolos that I've taken my sweet time sharing (mostly because work is destroying me) that I thought I should share here. First was the confirmation of WHL being Wealth Health Love. I was looking through some web pages about symbolism when I stumbled upon this. on this page we can see the following quote "Three keys worn together are said to unlock the doors of wealth, health, and love." I can't find the exact quote back from Dolos because my chat logs have been on the fritz, but he responded with something like "Now I think we're looking at the same pages, you're the first to show me that. Can I share this with everyone?" To which I said yes, but I believe because of a busy busy schedule he ended up drinking lethe and not getting to it. (That or he's really messing with me and being deceptive) The second is that KISS is indeed Keep it Simple Stupid, or Keep it Short and Simple, all those different ways to say keep it simple. I had made a joke about a massive burrito I ate being the death of me, and that my dying wish was to hand down a clue about FORGET AND THEN KISS IT to my grand children (that was my deception because no one would have a child with me, let alone then create another generation, muahaha) He surprised me with his response. So I told him I was ready to play this game. The following exchange happened. Dolos: 10,000 dollars behind one door. Which is it? 1 2 or 3? Me: I'll pick door #1, because first place golden ;D Dolos: Would you like too change your answer? Me: I'm pretty happy with #1 Dolos: It was door 🚪 two! Let's try again. Would you like to play again? Door one, two or three? Me: I'm confused, was it random chance there? This time I'll pick door 3. Was it to do with the typo in "would you like 'TOO' change your answer?" Dolos: No. I didn't even notice the typo. To wrap this up though, I just simply placed it right back behind door number 2. That's The Kiss method. I place it right back where you knew it was before and you complicated the problem. That's what most people do, except for kids. If you play hide and seek with a Kid, They'll almost always check the last place you hid first. I've struggled to make any further sense but it did confirm that KISS is keep it simple stupid. It also reinforces that it's extremely easy to add complexity ourselves, and that pushes us further away from a correct solution. It ended with me asking some very specific questions, and getting no answer. Just his response Dolos: Good luck, buddy. Just don't forget to forget. He's also previous asked me "How many ways can you forget?" So I guess I'll quickly list off the ones I think about when he asks that. Failing to remember (Oh shit I forgot!), Accidentally disregarding something (I forgot my keys), purposefully disregarding something (Forget about it, it's not going to work). And then the actual definitions. So with that, I pose the question to you as I've asked before, what do we think 'FORGET AND THEN KISS IT' is really saying, I understand we should try to keep the ring poem stupid simple, it's telling us something but I think we're failing to interpret it properly. "Look at the end and then forget why; the answer is yenned" what do you think this means while keeping it child levels of simple?
A Few Things Confirmed (WHL) and (KISS) content media
Dec 10, 2020
In DOLOS Discussions
I've been struggling to come up with new ideas lately, but maybe that isn't the issue. Maybe it's struggling to go back to an idea that was nearly right. So I have a question for all of you. How do you reset? What methods do you use to be able to go back and try again, or pick out what seemed to have the most potential, or even just new ways to get your brain thinking about possibilities when you burn out? I'm very curious.
Dec 03, 2020
In DOLOS Discussions
Hey everyone, While talking to the lady last night, I had a bit of a mental breakthrough. I was challenging her with different puzzles, riddles, lateral thinking and other brain games. She was struggling with almost all of them, and I remembered a fun one when I was a kid. It's about a man who is trapped in a room, all 4 walls, floor, and ceiling are solid. You can't get through them by basic means. There are no windows, and there are no doors. It is completely sealed. The man is trapped in this room with nothing but a mirror. How did he escape? This was a question posed to me when I was around 6 years old. I managed to solve it with just a few hints from my brother at the time. The main premise of solving this, seemingly illogical puzzle was to forget everything you know about the laws of reality and to use your imagination and creativity, while still keeping it 'simple' in a way. When I explained the answer to my girlfriend, I said, "It's an interesting puzzle because it seems like there's no possible way to get to the solution. It forces you to forget everything you think you know, use your imagination, and keep it simple." then I paused for a moment... FORGET AND THEN KISS IT. I realized to solve this puzzle, as a kid, I managed to forget, and then apply KISS principle to it. Which has made me realize, maybe this whole time I've been interpreting the ring poem with the completely wrong presumptions. So, if you haven't heard this puzzle, I challenge you. How did the man escape? I feel wrapping your head around this one and solving it will be a big step towards properly interpreting the ring poem.
Nov 26, 2020
In DOLOS Discussions
I was asking a 1st language Spanish friend about the difference of Veinte, Veinti, and Veintiuno. I had been under the assumption that Venti = 21... but he's saying Veinte Y Uno is 2 and 1, and that Veintiuno is 21, making it one number, he confirmed Veinte is 20. The i in Veintiuno ties the two numbers together, otherwise it ends with an e... So that poses the question, what number are we missing? 20 what? What is that Veinti... is it the Uno after of? If it is, that throws off my whole assumption about it being Word-Number-Word-Number pattern with 3 total outliers... What do you think is going on here? Could this be a lead on where to start or what to work with? Maybe Mya is an incomplete word and it needs something to tie into it, Mya-something Twenty-something, and we need to find the word and number that can slot in there.
Nov 03, 2020
In DOLOS Discussions
I'm going to leave this here, it's a new breakdown that I put some time into, showing how the structure of the ring poem is made. The rhyme scheme that makes it a 'poem', and potentially how to organize ideas with that. Essentially what I believe it's telling us now, with this, is that we need to do the following. Find the end - with new detail found that the end, will be closely related to 'yenned' (because of the sentence structure, if you're curious go view my post about the semicolon. The end NOUN 1a: the part of an area that lies at the boundary c: the extreme or last part lengthwise : TIP 3: something incomplete, fragmentary, or undersized : REMNANT 6: something that is extreme : ULTIMATE —used with the is/does one of these 3 things "have a close similarity; match or agree almost exactly." "correspond or cause to correspond in some essential respect; make or be harmonious." "copy or simulate." with yenned: VERB - feel a longing or yearning. (AS DOLOS HAS SAID, THE END IS ON THE KEYS) -------------------------- After that we need to 'forget why', which the next statement tells us that 'Many will fail and then retry to do this'. Sort of lines up with the fact Dolos keeps telling us 'don't forget to forget'. However I believe we can only do this after finding the end. ----------------------- Then, only once we have the answer to 'forget why' should we be moving on to the next. I haven't confidently found what I think the true interpretation of the final sentence in the ring poem is. Note that the rhyme scheme behind the ring poem is - A-B-A-B-C-C-D-D... and I believe that may be able to help us cut the ring into slices that we can work with... Solve for A, then solve for B, then C, finally D. If you have any more questions, or want me to explain, ask away. I'm an open book. THERE ARE NO MISTAKES IN THE CIPHER, EVERYTHING HAS ITS PLACE AND BELONGS WHERE IT WAS PUT.
New Breakdown of the Ring Poem (Components/Structure) content media
Nov 03, 2020
In DOLOS Discussions
I'm very curious, as I've been working on something related to the structure of the ring poem. I know my answer but I want to hear all of your thoughts on the semicolon. Does it belong where it is? Could it be replaced with a , (comma) or a . (period)? Let me know your thoughts and why. Once I've made it through what I'm working on, I'll reveal what I think. (Which I'm almost certain I know. 99%)
Oct 30, 2020
In DOLOS Discussions
I've been working on this for quite a while now, and I've been fairly active in keeping my methodologies and ideas out in the open for others to work with. However recently I've backed off a bit and really put nose to grind stone. Now with still no progress, I've decided I'll dump all that I've got on here for others to see, reference, and possibly build upon to get to a correct solution. I'll try to explain some of what I'm doing but for the most part there will just be a lot of screenshots of things, and if you need to know more you'll have to ask me. Technical methods/ideas Here's my excel pages where I've tried different methods to solving, generally the excel is more based in logical and technical solving methods. To quickly summarize, I don't think any of these methods will lead anywhere, but that's just my bias. Dolos had said that if I were to print out the image that is the cipher, and give it to someone of almost any age, with the right train of thought and minimal extra knowledge they could logically come to the correct solve still, which makes me think ciphers are out. The cipher in theory can be solved without the use of google or a PC, unlike the later stanza poem. Early on there's not much I can say, these are my earliest attempts, I tried some different cipher methods, the most basics, and also tried the code 634563 that we see at the end of the stanza poem, nothing really lit up here and nothing clicked either. More attempts at substitution ciphers and shuffling things around, seeing what lines up.. I did a few where I was looking for common letters in rows, others where I was trying to see what in the red lined up with itself. Once again nothing seemed to click here, it did not spur any further thought. Here I once more tried a few different cipher methods, and I also tried shuffling words around, starting new lines where the red letters appeared in the poem. There has to be a reason the red letters are placed where they are in specific words, not just to give the 'Forget and then kiss it' because for example, (A)nswer is yen(N)ed, you can see there are 2 n's that go unused in between the A and the N... it could have been (A)(N)swer is yenned or (A)nswer is ye(N)ned, but for some reason Dolos has made it the third N. We need to look deeper into this 'secret hint' because 'Forget and then kiss it' (forget and then keep it stupid simple it) means more than just face value. 'KISS it' doesn't make sense when you say it out "Keep it stupid simple it", hinting towards applying the KISS methodology to the poem it feels. In this one I started focusing more on the keys, trying to organize the numbers and see if anything came of it, as well as just writing them in the order they appear on the keys. I was attempting to see any patterns on the keys, what numbers were missing, and what we may be able to do with them. I once again fell short here, for context the words in red are the ones where there's still some uncertainty... because of how the last key's tooth ends, I'm not sure whether it goes (Sirens 3 Lethe 7 Poem 8 Wealth 1 Nike 3 Epic 0) OR (Sirens 0 Epic 3 Nike 1 Wealth 8 Poem 7 Lethe 3) I honestly have no clue what I was doing here, other than the fact that I organized the lines into a stanza of it's own. The rhyme scheme seems to be A-B-A-B-C-C-D-D Not sure if that helps anyone. On this one I tried a few more cipher methods and random thoughts, the long lines at the bottom was me trying to line up letters from the red in the ring poem to the (L)ove key. It didn't go so well, another dead end. Creative/Imaginative methods/ideas Here's my word document with all my chicken scritches and random ideas, generally these are less technical since I don't need a grid layout to portray my thoughts. Here was my first rewrite of the poem, where I tried to simplify its meaning by taking synonyms and common words that mean the same thing, and swapping them out. I even tried finding synonyms that would have the same letters in the places where the red ones would appear. Proceeded by some first attempts at the keys with patterns, looking at the end (last letters of the words) and then forgetting y's... nothing seemed to work. A few more attempts with the starting and ending letters. Never really felt like anything clicked again. I tried removing the red letters and seeing if there was anything special that lined up, I also tried counting the number of letters between each red, starting at the end of Forget, back around the ring to the start of Forget. Counting is going to play an important role, as seen by a hint dolos gave, here. Here's some attempts at breaking down the structure of things, hopefully we'll see some progress fomr that? I put it into poetic form, counted the words and syllables once more looking for patterns. In this colourful kindergarteners craft I tried to see words with letters in the common places as the red ones, it's sorta silly and I wasn't sure where I'd get with it. I also tried finding the words that had symbolism to what is said in the ring, that's the result there. Finally I also tried the Francis Bacon Cipher, it felt like the best way to use the Red letters positions, but I'm unsure if I applied it right, or if it'll work in any way. Visual/Artistic methods/ideas last but not least, here's the visual/spacial type approaches I took, from darkening areas, spinning wheels, and placing words in other places. this one seemed to get the best reaction out of Dolos so far. Maybe something was done correctly here, he noted that I 'Forgot Why' This one was built upon the last, and included forgetting why only after 'the end' (the end at the middle key for this one) And once again a positive response, with weird emphasis. I also tried covering the wheel, and then erasing the cover where red letters were, then focusing the gap made by 'Forget' on different areas to see what letters showed through. Nothing ever came of it though. I also toyed with the idea of it going round and round and round through the keys because of the weaving nature the words have with them. Finally, this was my biggest breakthrough that has only recently fallen on its face, and he refuses to acknowledge it when I message him about it... It uses the same method of counting the words from the ring poem, and applying their numbers to the numbers on the keys. I found this at the end of the last key. it's physically (THE) end, (Don't forget 2 forget), It then has Why.. so the 2 forgets, we forget poem and why... and then the answer is yenned, WEALTH is yenned. Maybe far out there, maybe a stretch, I'm not sure. ANYWAYS, THIS WAS A LOT TO TYPE OUT. I'd love to see some more collaboration on the forums, bring out the lurkers, since nobody has anything it seems so far. Please take the time to give me even just a small response, I worked hard on this post. I hope you all find use of this info and share some of your own. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. FINAL NOTE, Dolos has mentioned that no one has found 'The End' yet, in accordance to the cipher... and the cipher begins at the end, so right now none of us have even found where to start. We have to find the end. THE END
Cipher Ideas/Methods/Solutions Mega Dump content media
Oct 21, 2020
In DOLOS Discussions
Just an exchange between a desperate me and a tricky Dolos.
Make what you will of this. I'm struggling. (Possible Hint) content media
Oct 16, 2020
In DOLOS Discussions
Hoping to keep a steady flow of ideas on track through this thread, I'm curious all your thoughts on the red letters that spell "Forget and then kiss it" specifically focusing on why they're placed where they are. I found it curious and it has been brought up before. FORGET, is all red, my assumption is because it not only has all the letters for itself, but also getting the letters F-O-R-G-E-T would require more words being added and possibly throw off the flow or simplicity of the ring poem. the Answer is yenNed, this one is the original one that gets me thinking. Why is it the 2nd N that is highlighted red and not the first? I find it hard to believe there isn't a deeper meaning and reason on why a letter would be selected after it's already appeared before itself. Many will fail anD then reTry: why wasn't the T in 'then' used instead of retry? In my mind it could be for a specific amount of spacing between the red letters that means something, or possibly that the letters location in the word itself is important. One of these two options could be a very likely possibility. More examples of that above are 'follow my In(s)truction(s) thi(s) iSn't complex' as you can see I've highlighted 3 S's that come before the next highlighted letter S, yet none of those are used. Is it because position 3 and 12 are not correct to continue the hidden meaning? Is it because position 4 in this also isn't what is require? Or is it because there needed to be 16 characters between the red letters in that instance, (18 with spaces). This then forces a gap of 32 characters between iSn't and Sheath, curious that the number of spaces between highlighted characters doubles, the fact that the spaces go from 2 to 7 though, make me feel maybe the spaces aren't involved in the reasoning. (I'm also not considering apostrophes and commas as characters, so maybe that could be throwing off my thought process) The next gap, curiously enough, is also 16 characters. from Sheath to drInk, could there be a pattern forming? I'll get back to this at the end, I actually just noticed this while typing lol. My thoughts are getting thrown off at the next gap however, 18 characters between drInk and leThe. Finally, if we consider connecting leThe back to forget, it's a 21 character gap. I'm not sure what pattern if any is forming, or if the gaps mean anything. In the end I counted the gaps, and this is the number chain that appeared. 0-0-0-0-0-6-10-16-6-9-2-4-7-19-16-32-16-18(-21 if connecting leThe back to FORGET) So what could we potentially do with this set of numbers? Please let me know any of your thoughts on the red letters and their given locations, why you may think they're placed where they are and how we may use that to help solve the cipher!
Oct 15, 2020
In DOLOS Discussions
It's melting my brain and those I've talked to haven't had a clue... it's on the last key there... When I asked Dolos he refused to answer then laughed at me. WHAT THE HECK IS LILLI DUDE?!?!?
Oct 06, 2020
In DOLOS Discussions
Even though he has said it over and over, for some reason the last time Dolos told me to forget to forget, I finally started pondering on this. If you forget to forget, you remember. If you're being told not to forget to forget, you're being told to forget something with emphasis; as if it's imperative to success. While I was looking into forgetting, I stumbled across this theory: Interference theories[edit] Interference theory refers to the idea that when the learning of something new causes forgetting of older material on the basis of competition between the two. This essentially states that memory's information may become confused or combined with other information during encoding, resulting in the distortion or disruption of memories.[15] In nature, the interfering items are said to originate from an overstimulating environment. Interference theory exists in three branches: Proactive, Retroactive and Output. Retroactive and Proactive inhibition each referring in contrast to the other. Retroactive interference is when new information (memories) interferes with older information. On the other hand, proactive interference is when old information interferes with the retrieval of new information.[16] This is sometimes thought to occur especially when memories are similar. Output Interference occurs when the initial act of recalling specific information interferes with the retrieval of the original information. This theory shows a contradiction: an extremely intelligent individual is expected to forget more hastily than one who has a slow mentality. For this reason, an intelligent individual has stored up more memory in his mind which will cause interferences and impair their ability to recall specific information.[17] Based on current research, testing interference has only been carried out by recalling from a list of words rather than using situation from daily lives, thus it's hard to generalize the findings for this theory. It gets me thinking, what if we're overloading ourselves with info... we're combing through the site non-stop, bouncing ideas about what could be next, trying to find more hints or clues of how to continue. We're piling on more and more and forgetting the basics. If we forget to forget, we square back to ground 0, we don't use any other info. We're not looking for an end goal, we're not looking for anything in specific. We just take the most bare information in the cipher itself, and work from there, no interference; will that get us closer to where we need to be? if we forget everything else, we narrow down our options, eliminate possibilities. We look at just the cipher, the cipher alone, more so, we look at the ring poem, just that alone... Nothing else. What are we being told to do. I challenge everyone who reads this to look only at the ring poem, forget what we're doing it for, forget the keys, forget who created this, forget the hints, forget the reason. FORGET WHY. Then after you've done that, you've at face value thought about the ring poem with no other interference, post here what your new clean thoughts have come up with. I'd like to hear what everyone thinks. I'll post a response with mine after I feel I've cleared my mind of prior bias.


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